You may not know much about me yet, so let’s change that! Here are five random, essential facts:
1. When I was younger, I thought I wanted to become a songwriter, but actually, I was just scribbling down melodramatic lines of unfinished poems and then proceeding to sing those lines aloud, including the beginning of a Christmas song.
2. I still like writing poems and singing, but not simultaneously.
3. Collecting mugs brings me joy—I have a mug with a sunny side egg poking out the side with a handle shaped like a crispy strip of bacon. It’s usually filled with apple juice instead of coffee or tea.
4. Reading while in the passenger seat of a moving car without getting motion sickness is a superpower I like to boast about.
5. I believe storytelling is vital. It allows us to understand different perspectives, builds community, and ultimately makes us human.